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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Islamic civilization

From the early Islamic period have shown Medina culture and civilization are reflected into the world of politics, economics and technology and others. Islam in Medina period has laid the basic values of life philosophy is delivered directly by the Prophet Muhammad that would affect the lives of the world Muslim community with distinctive culture and civilization of Islam.
The progress of Islamic civilization can not be separated from the development of Islamic societies the existence of multiple, and growing in accordance with the dynamics of the world at that time, the Islamic presence in the midst of the people who do not have a strong foundation and has no hold on the values of wisdom and discretion, Islam provides a new paradigm to the world at the beginning of the prophetic and a major contribution to the development of world civilization and progress through the interpretation of explicit propositions with the media universe that later used as evidence to all mankind that is conveyed by Islam through the Prophet Muhammad is a the real truth, and the arguments that the Qur'an can be proved by technological advances and the development of world science.
Islamic civilization in the beginning of the period of Medina, the Islamic Society are familiar with that period of civilization, and began cultured. Civilization began with the government system that has been formed (political Islam) under the control and command of the Great Prophet Muhammad.
Further glory days of Islam is that when the Caliph, the Caliph of the Muslims became very strong, living in a welfare society the ideals of civil society which is our current goal is created when kekhalifaan, especially during the Umayyad caliph. Progress of Islamic civilization and culture of Islamic societies have very wide and varied, so that the Islamic community at that time known as its cultural wealth.
The author will present the journey of Islamic civilization in the beginning of the Caliphate leadership Rasyidah (first four caliphs) to the Caliphate of Bani Abbas, these days provide a very large contribution to the advancement of Islamic civilization in the world polotik, economics and technology.

Caliph I (Sayyidina Abu Bakr)
When he faced the Presence of God Almighty, as a political leader he never intestate about who should replace him as leader of Islam after he died. Prophet Muhammad entrusted to Muslims to determine who becomes their leader. A valuable lesson has been given the Prophet Muhammad to Muslims, that political office is not a legacy that should diwasiatkan to relatives, but it is a huge mandate to do with all my heart and to be elected by the people themselves.
After the period of the Prophet, the Muslims led by the Caliph Rasulillah (Substitute Messenger) Sayyidina Abu Bakr, who was elected by consensus by the people of Medina at that time. In the development known as the Caliph Caliph Rasulillah alone. He continued duties as a religious leader and head of government. There are two factors that underlie the election of Abu Bakr as the Caliph; (1) leaders must be from the Quraysh tribe is based on a hadith that reads: "Leadership is in the hands of the Quraysh". Growing public opinion at the time of this condition, (2) Abu Bakr was the People of Islam which has many virtues, and among the first converts to Islam, he figures that accompany the Prophet emigrated, and when the Prophet appointed his excuse as priests, and he was of noble birth, intelligent and noble.
During the leadership of Caliph Abu Bakr fee that is very short, he is confronted with territorial issues, apostasy and the number of people claiming to be Prophet. Besides that, the tribes of the Arabs to the rejection of his leadership and do not want to submit to the government of Medina. The tribes are assuming that the agreement did the Prophet Muhammad will end when the Prophet died, it is a cause they do not want to obey the Caliph Abu Bakr. Because it can be dangerous opposition of religion and government, the Caliph Abu Bakr to take stern action against these tribes, so that Riddah War (the war against apostasy) becomes the last alternative that should be taken, as an effort to maintain stability in governance.
Government centralism applied when the government is still applied when the Messenger of Caliph Abu Bakr to power, where the legislative, executive and judiciary under the authority of the Caliph. The pattern is always applied deliberation he also still carried out by the government of this Caliph, he always made his friends to deliberations on crucial issues relating to religion and government.
Although the initial phase of Abu Bakr governance of chaos, he still continued aspiration to expand the Prophet of Islam to the Syrian region. Political steps taken by the Abu Bakr showed missionary zeal and the expansion of Islamic rule is very strategic and positive impact on the government at that time, an interpretation that emerges is quite strong Islamic forces and the enemy of Islam began to fear and trembling against Islam. And that is the transfer of the internal problems that occurred at that time.
After a resounding victory in the first phase of attack. Later, Abu Bakr to expand the area outside the Arabian Peninsula. The main target is the state which borders directly with the Islamic territory of Iraq and Syria. Expansion of Iraq led by Khalid bin Walid, and Syria, led by three commanders of Arm bin Ash, Yazid ibn Abu Sufyan, Syurahbil bin Hasanah. Commander of the troops under the leadership of Khalid ibn al-Walid al-can master Hirah in 634 years. Meanwhile, the Islamic forces who have difficulty memnuju Syria, because the Byzantine army in quantity more than the Islamic Army and has a complete weapon. Abu Bakr ordered Khalid to help the Muslims in Syria, and eventually the war was won by Islamic forces. But victory can not be witnessed by Sayyidina Abu Bakr, for he fell ill and died in 634.
In addition to regional expansion efforts Abu Bakr also contributed to the development of Islamic civilization in the next peride, among others;
1. Schools collecting the Qur'an. This collection is the idea of 'Umar ibn Khatab, he considers that this must be done because many of the Quran penghafal who died during the war. And Abu Bakr approve it, and Zayd ibn Thabit was assigned to work on gathering revelation.
2. Baitul Maal to form institutions, which aims for the benefit of the Muslim community which is managed by Abu Ubaidah
3. Establishing Judicial Institute, led by Sayyidina Umar ibn Khatab
4. Preparing candidates next caliph, in the hope does not happen opportunities divisions between Muslims.

Abu Bakr's reign was relatively short which managed to overcome the challenges in the new country grew Medina, and also has prepared the way for the development and expansion of Islam outside the Arabian peninsula.

Caliph II (Sayyidina Umar ibn Khatab)
When Abu Bakr consulted sick with the friends and raised Umar ibn Khatab as a substitute for the next caliph.
The road already taken by the first Caliph continued and developed by Umar bin Khatab, and the 635-year wave of expansion to fruition with the collapse of Syria (Syria) under Islamic rule. By using Syria as a base, the expansion continued in Egypt (subject to year 641), Persian and Mosul. At the time of Umar, the Islamic territory including the Arabian Peninsula, Palestine, Syria, most of Persia and Egypt.
To compensate for such a wave of rapid expansion, Umar did the State administrative reform by adopting the administrative systems of countries such as the Persian developed. Administratively divided into eight provinces of the region; Mecca, Medina, Syria, Peninsula, Basra, Kufa, Palestine and Egypt. In line with the administrative development, then founded several departments as deemed necessary, and payment of salaries of government officials and tax began disciplined, and police department also formed to maintain security and stability. Public Works Department was also established, he also forged currency, and the creation of Hijrah.
Umar bin Khatab died in the year 644 were killed by a slave of the Persian named Abu Lu'lu'ah. Unlike Abu Bakr immediately determine his successor, Umar appointed six people to bermusyawah friend and select one of them became caliph. And in the discussion between friends that Usman was elected as the third Caliph, after competing with Sayyidina Ali ibn Abi Talib.

Caliph III (Sayyidina Uthman ibn Affan)
Uthman became caliph for 12 years, the last phase of his reign comes disappointment and feelings of being happy for the application of governance patterns. Problems that may arise due to different systems with kepemerintahannya previous Caliph, Usman was too soft and many of the families who occupy important positions of government, giving rise to the assumption that Usman was a doll family.
In the reign of Usman halt the Islamic expansion in the region of Armenia, Tunisia, Cyprus, Rhodes and the remaining part of the Persian.
Usman services when he became the Deputy Force is improving the Qur'an that have been made during the government of Abu Bakr. In addition Usman also build roads, bridges, mosques, and expand the Medina Mosque.
Usman Died in the year 655, he was killed by the rebels who are not satisfied the government Uthman ibn Affan. After these tragic events, the Islamic community pointed Ali ibn Abi Talib as the Caliph.

Caliph IV (Ali ibn Abi Talib)
Period kekhalifaan Ali ibn Abi Talib, the stability of government is always marked by turmoil and opposition, both internal and external of Islam. Having occupied the "hot seat" caliphate, he dismissed governors appointed by Uthman ibn Affan, he menggap that the turmoil due to negligence and lack of their ability to become a lead. Ali also took back the lands that had been presented earlier caliph, for the benefit of the State, and re-introduced a system of tax distribution.
Not long later, the internal turmoil of the burning of Islam itself, Ali ibn Abi Talib, facing a rebellion Talha, Zubair and Aisha. This revolt was based on dissatisfaction Talha, Zubair and Aisha Ali's decision not to punish the murderers Usman bin Affan. After Ali's efforts to find peaceful means failed, war was inevitable. War known as the War of Jamal (camel) because at the time the war was Aisha riding a camel with a terrible burning. This war was won by Ali ibn Abi Talib, Talha Zubair and Aisha killed and captured and sent back to Medina.
At the same time, policies issued by Ali's governors mengkibatkan lose his power of resistance. Terebut resistance led oelh Governor of Damascus, Muawwiyah. After the war ended with the victory Jamal Ali, his army moved to Damascus. Ali met with army troops Mu'awwiyah in Shiffin area, and the battle took place between Ali and Mu'awwiyah known as Shiffin War. This war ended with peace agreements. But this peace agreement did not resolve the issue as expected Ali ibn Abi Talib, and even lead to the third group Khawarij (the people who came out of Ali's army ranks because they do not agree with a peace treaty with Mu'awwiyah). Of course, this situation is detrimental Ali, his army grew weaker since abandoned by his followers, while it increased Mu'awwiyah strength. Power of Islam at that time was split into three kekuatn poitik, supporters of Ali's first, and Khawarij Mu'awwiyah. And on the 20th of Ramadan 40 AH, Ali was killed by one of angota Khawarij.
After the death of Ali ibn Abi Talib, kekhalifaan held by his son. Hasan's position is weakened political cause he made peace. This Agreement can unite Muslims back in the political leadership, under Mu'awwiyah ibn Abi Sufyan. This agreement also ended the first four caliphs, with the start of the Umayyads and the delivery of new Islamic political history.

B. Umayyads KHILAFAH
Deliberation and democratic system applied by the Khilafah Rasyidah replaced by the monarchical system controlled by Mu'awwiyah ibn Abi Sufyan. Even he menebut himself as the Caliph of Allah, in the sense of Caliph appointed by God directly. And it has changed Mu'awwiyah Islamic society in the political world through their work as a caliph, he was ordained for the whole community to be faithful to his son Yazid. The development of political civilization of Islam and the paradigm of Islamic political and democratic deliberation berasaskan began to fade and change.
Umayyad power was about 90 years. Initial capital centered in Medina moved to Damascus. Great Caliph and contributed to the dynasty is Mu'awwiyah ibn Abi Sufyan, Abdul Malik ibn Marwan, Walid bin Abdul Malik, Umar ibn Abdul Aziz and Abdul Malik ibn Hashim.
In the reign of this dynasty, which stopped at eksapansi Khilafah Rasyidah government resumes. Expansion will be my rincikan according to a leading caliph dynasty
A. Age Mu'awwiyah Tunisia local control, Khurasan, Afghanistan, Kabul. Even the navy to attack the Byzantine capital, Constantinople.
B. Abdul Malik continued expansion into the eastern region and can be mastered Balkh, Bukhara, Khawarizm, Ferghana and Samarkhand.
C. Walid massive expansion to the west hold and control al-Jazair, Morocco, Spain, Seville, Elvira, Toledo.
Besides the expansion area, this dynasty also contributed to the development of several fields, including: post offices, military discipline, pncetakan currency, and reform of government administration.
The destruction caused by the Umayyad caliphs the latter did not think about the people, weak and bad morals and devoted to luxury. This is the result of strength and support for this government and eventually reduced to 750 years daulah Abbas Bani Umayyad digulungkan allied with Abu Muslim al-Khorasani.

Abbasid daulah called for because the founder and ruler of this dynasty is from the descendants of Bani Abbas., Nabui Muhammad's uncle. The founder of this dynasty was Abbas as-Saffah. And the golden age of Islam lies in the power of this dynasty.
History daulah transition of power from the Umayyad to the Abbasid daulah Hashim began when Islam requires power in their hands because they are the Prophet Muhammad's family nearby. The demand was actually a long time, but it became a movement when the Umayyad dynasty to the throne by defeating Ali Bin Abi Talib and being hard descendants of Hashim.
Propaganda just started happening when Umar Bin Abdul Aziz (717-720) menjafi Bani Umayyad caliph. Stability of state and government system worked well, welfare and justice so evenly against daulah and its people. Tersebutlah reassurance that triggered Bani Abbas to start a movement based in the area of al-Humaymah, which at that time led an ascetic by the name of Abdullah bin Abbas, who was succeeded by his son named muhammad the expanding movement to undermine the authority of the Umayyad dynasty at that time . He menetpakan three regions to be the center of motion; (1) al-Humaymah the center of planning and organization; (2) of Kufa as a liaison; and (3) Khorasan as a practical movement center.
After the death of Muhammad was succeeded by his son named Ibrahim al-Imam, who raised a warlord who bravely came from Khurasan who named Abu Muslim Khorasani. Abu Muslim of Khurasan and won the victory followed by victory, and finally Ibrahim al-Imam was arrested by daulah Umayyad and imprisoned until death. After it was replaced by his brother Ibrahim called Abu Abbas, who led the battle between the army and Bani Umayyads Abbas in areas near the river Zab. In the battle of Banu Annas victory and continue to Syria and from there the victory gained by the victory in the army Bani Abbas.
In the year. 132 H / 750 M stand with the Abbasid caliphs Daula first is Abu Abbas al-Saffah. Daula lasts long enough, until the year 656 AH / 1258 AD based on political and social change and culture of the same pattern of administration.
Although the first caliph was Abu Abbas, he only led by a relatively very short time only about four years. This daulah then succeeded by Abu Ja'far al-Mansyur, he who with all their strength against his opponents of the Umayyads, and Syia'ah Khawarij who feel excluded from the Abbasid government. To secure their authority then the person who is considered to damage the country in stabilits kick away from these daulah. Himself and his uncle Abu Muslim Khorasani in law to death, to secure his position from the competition.
Internal governance for the benefit of the capital was moved to Baghdad in 767, and form the executive and judicial institutions. In the executive branch he picked sorng vizier (minister) as the coordinator of the department, he also established the institution of protocol state, secretary of state, police forces and continued the armed forces. He pointed Abdur Rahman as a judge on the state judiciary. Postal bureau has existed since the time of the Umayyad dynasty continued with the additional task, but also set the path the letter as a means of information for all local authority areas, so that the state administration run smoothly. The postal bureau directors also served to report the activities of local governors to the Caliph.
Department vizier for about 50 years in Baramakih or controlled by Marmaki, a family who came from Balkh, Persia (Iran). The first vizier was Khalid Bin Balkh, which was succeeded by his son named Yahya Bin Khalid. The latter is also his son became a young vizier, while her other son Fadhli bin Yahya became the Governor of Western Persia and Khorasan. During this period the state administrative matters more is handled by the family's Persian. Kelurga entry of non-Arabs into the government of Bani Abbas is a distinguishing element of the previous dynasty to the Arab-oriented.
Caliph is also trying to re-conquer the areas previously free themselves and to establish security in the border regions. Among his efforts were in Asia citadel, Malita town, region Sicilia Coppadicia and 758-765 on the year, the northern army across the Taurus and approached pegunugan Bosporus straits, and peace with the Emperor Costantine V. During the truce (578-765), Byzantine pay annual tribute. Troops also faced Khazar Turkish army in the Caucasus, Daylami in the Caspian Sea, in other parts of Turkey and India orksus.
Deputies at the time the concept changed, he said: "I was the power of God on earth" that indicate that the Deputy is not of human choice but a mandate from the Lord, like the Caliph Rasyidin era. And the name of their more popular titles from their original names. Golden peak Daula built by Abu Abbas Ja'far al-Mansyur, and was succeeded by the next seven generations from the time of the Caliph Mahdi to Caliph al-Wasiq. And to top this daulah popularity is at the time of Caliph Harun al-Rashid and his son al-Ma'mun.
Thus the progress of Islamic civilization, especially in politics and culture ever achieved by the Islamic government in the classical period, something that is not progress at the time unprecedented. The golden age, glory, glory achieved by the political progress go hand in hand with the progress of civilization and culture. The height of Islamic keemasaan daulah especially occurs in the first Abbasid period, and peride decline in subsequent periods.
The progress of civilization and Islamic culture has ever achieved in the classical period is a valuable legacy for the next generation of Islam, how to transform the values of Islamic culture and civilization in all aspects of life. Do not let the historical value is in it just be forgotten, a great generation is the generation that respects history.
Islamic civilization is something that must be dug and dipejari, and we must formulate the concept of a government system in accordance with the civilization and our culture today. And has pioneered a change and start an Islamic movement, Islamic movements can be started from ourselves and families. Socialize religion not only through the media propaganda fil oral or written, but this fil mission is also part of a beginning of a new civilization to live in Islamic law.
Some of the figures above, may be a reference and our standard of living up, if only generations of Islam had entered into Islam Kaffah it is not something impossible if we will meet again the golden days and glory of Islam.
In the spirit of Islam, let us make history as a benchmark and barometer for the success of Islam today, history has proven that with the collective power of the Muslims could defeat anyone. Islamic rebuild from the destruction starts from ourselves, from the small things right now.



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